QSEC will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
QSEC is committed to the health and safety of all visitors to our venue - both equine and human.
As part of our above commitment, any horses coming on to the QSEC site for the specific purpose of directly interacting with the general public (e.g. pony rides) must be vaccinated for Hendra Virus.
You may find the following forms useful:
As the nature and controls for biosecurity risk management are constantly changing, we suggest you stay updated by visiting the Biosecurity Queensland website.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to further understand your obligations when holding an event with us.
All horses that come onto the QSEC site must have a Horse Health Declaration filled in on arrival. There are multiple boxes around site to leave your completed form, or you can hand it directly to the QSEC office. It is very important that all parts of the form are filled in correctly and the document is signed by the horse owner or person responsible.
Complete horse health declaration